Looking Forward

I have been assigned a large react native project which is due at the first week of January. My whole work week has been put into that project. So, I would break down the week like:

20% meeting with my Mentor.

15% Looking up stuff on google.

5% asking my mentor for clarification, or how to do something I could not figure out.

60% programming and developing the project.

Every day, I had a meeting with my mentor about what I needed to accomplish for the day. At the end of the day, I had another meeting explaining the days work. I was and I am expected to push up code, throughout the day.

I have great expectations for my future. I am working on a project which requires me to have knowledge in react native. I was lucky to have learnt react at lambda school. The lessons I acquired at lambda school enabled me to jump into my current project with ease. On the weekends, i have started learning flutter and dart, a strongly typed language developed by google. I am enjoying learning dart. with the experiences I have had after lambda school, I see myself being a skilled mobile developer in one year.

I also plan on learning Java and swift. I see myself developing native IOS and Android apps in two year. In five years, I see myself giving back to the needy, enabling them to get an education, especially in Computer Science. I only have to say that, lambda school has changed my life and I want to give back.

Looking Backwards – fourth week at the Job

This is a break down of the week::

20% Meetings

20% Looking up documentation on react native

60% developing the app

I wish I knew that looking up stuff on google was going to be part of my daily work. I did not know that I will be expected to solve problems eve if I did not know the language. I was expected to code in angularjs even though I had never written a program in it.

I have not made major mistakes in the code base except the occasional small coding errors which were corrected immediately. My biggest Triumph is contributing to an app which was deployed to the apple store. I would also add that, starting from knowing nothing about angularjs to contributing to the code base which is expected to go into production next year felt great.

Becoming routine – third week at the Job

It has been three weeks now at the job and the tasks are becoming routine and familiar. I would start by breaking down the week as follows:

20% Attending meetings

20% Asking my mentor questions about the code base.

20% Looking up stuff on google.

40% programming and developing the project.

This is how things work at the job. At the beginning of the week, we have  a Monday morning meetings to discuss the weekly assignments. There are also meetings every other mornings.

The tasks I work on are assigned during the meetings. I push up my work on GitHub and then tell me supervisor that the work is ready for review in slack. My supervisor will either asks for a revision or assigns me a new task.

If I am stuck with the implementation of a task, I start by reading documentation. If I am still stuck, I go to my supervisor to either get a clarification or get his way of approaching the problem.

Getting to Work – Second Week at My New Job

I would break down the week as follows:

20% Attending meetings

15% Continued to learning AngularJs

20% Shadowed my mentor

10% Asking my mentor questions about the code base.

10% Looking up stuff on google.

25% programming and developing the project.

During my first few weeks, I was tasked with working on real projects which would solve the customer needs. My code was merged with the master branch after it was reviewed and tested. It was a good feeling to have my code merged with the master. It brought a sense of accomplishment on my part.

I did not expect to find the same code that I was exposed to, during the time at lambda school. When I was asked to learn angularJs, I expected to have a tough time transitioning from a newbie to being able to work on real task. I was surprised to have easily picked it up within days and started contributing to the code base. The week was smooth and fun.

Joining a new team – first week at the Job

I was given two goals to achieve this week:

  • to create a node.js web server to replace a sendgrid email services and use the clients godaddy email account.
  • to get familiar with AngularJs.

I would break down the week as follows:

10% Attending company meetings

5% Meeting and talking to my workmates

5% Setting up my workstation

20% Learning about the company’s development environments

20% Learning about AngularJs

20% Shadowing my mentor

20% Programming a Node.js email relay Server

Looking back at the week, I talked and socialized with my workmates alot. I listened to their conversations so that I would get a feel for the culture around work. When I was asked to do something, I followed all the instructions and when I was in doubt, I asked for clarifications. The team has been very welcoming and I have not faced any frictions yet.